The most important step in medical care is the very first step - diagnosis. Only when the doctor is able to correctly diagnose an illness or ailment, can the correct treatment take place. That's why diagnostic tests and scans play a very vital role in medicine. Allowing doctors to see what's happening inside the body, providing them with all the information they need to prescribe the best course of treatment.
Velammal Hospital has an extensive central laboratory that is equipped with the most advanced diagnostic tools and equipment, enabling quicker and more efficient patient care, by reducing wait times and assuring them of 100% accuracy. The lab is run by an efficient team of highly-trained technicians with expertise in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases and neurology.
There are three distinct fields of diagnostics housed within the central laboratory:
The scope of the department of Pathology includes diagnostic, education and research. It offers quality diagnostic services in the following sections:
This laboratory is devoted to the culturing, examination and identification of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, antigen and antibody detection of bacteria and viruses and molecular diagnosis of viruses and other markers. It plays a vital role in the detection and prevention of infectious diseases.
This laboratory deals with the study of chemical processes in the body through bodily fluids such as blood, serums, plasma etc. These tests are compared with a healthy sample to understand the nature of illness and the course of treatment.